[vtkusers] how to merge two datasets

Amy Henderson amy.henderson at kitware.com
Tue Nov 27 08:48:56 EST 2001

If you want to append the 2 data sets together, try vtkAppendFilter.  If 
the 2 data sets have the same underlying geometry and you want combine the 
data arrays from the 2 data sets, try vtkMergeFilter.

- Amy

At 04:45 PM 11/26/2001 -0600, Song Li wrote:
>    I just wonder if I can merge two datasets (UnstructuredGrid) into one 
> ? what calss can handle this ? and if I can do this, will streamline 
> still work ?  thanks!!
>Song Li
>VRAC(Virtual Reality Application Center),Iowa State University
>Email: lisong at vrac.iastate.edu
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