[vtkusers] mapping scalars onto geometry..

Bill Lorensen wlorens1 at nycap.rr.com
Wed Nov 21 18:28:52 EST 2001

Yes, you need to apply a scalar to each pint. You can do this witj vtkProbeFilter if your scalars are defined in a dataset. There is an example, combColorIso.tcl (or something close to that) that illustrates this.


At 05:26 PM 11/17/01 -0500, K.R.Subramanian wrote:

>  I am trying to map scalar or vector functions onto geometry; for instance given the
>magnitude of a volume, I would like to map that onto the polydata generated by Marching
>- something like 3D texture mapping (I know vtk doesnt support 3D texture mapping)..
>Do I need to go through each of the points(vertices) of the polydata, determine the
>appropriate scalar value and then set it, or is there an easier way?
>     -- krs
>K.R.Subramanian                        Phone: (704) 687-4872
>Department of Computer Science         FAX:   (704) 687-4893
>UNC Charlotte, CARC 311                Email: krs at cs.uncc.edu
>Charlotte, NC 28223-0001               Web: http://www.cs.uncc.edu/~krs
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