[vtkusers] Clipping PolyData with PolyData

Chris Moore aeolus at ocean.washington.edu
Wed Nov 21 18:26:33 EST 2001

I have an ocean surface PolyData, and I'd like to clip it with a
continent surface PolyData.  I'd like to use the continent PolyData as
the ImplicitFunction in vtkClipPolyData.  Is there any way of making my
PolyData surface an ImplicitFunction?

Or is there any possible way to find the intersection of two PolyData
surfaces so I can create a new surface from scratch using the
intersection as an edge?  I'd rather it cut through polygons instead of

Very truly yours,

Christopher Moore                            
Research Scientist, Oceanography             
University of Washington/JISAO/NOAA-PMEL

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