[vtkusers] Is there any qt widget class working with vtk4?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Nov 21 08:55:33 EST 2001

>>>>> "FH" == Fabian =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E4rle?= <f.haerle at dkfz-heidelberg.de> writes:

    FH> Hi, I've been trying to build vtkqgl as well as vtkandqt and
    FH> vtkqt together with vtk4.0. I didn't succeed with one of
    FH> them. Does anyone of youe have an idea on how to connect vtk4
    FH> and qt without writing a widget myself? - I'd neither have the
    FH> time nor the experience to do that...

IIRC you had errors with the SetFileName and NumLayers functions.  I
dont remember what happened to NuLayers but SetFileName was removed
and is used only to dump PPM images.  So just try commenting out all
that code and see if it works okay.  I think it should work ok.


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