[vtkusers] vtkRenderer in wxPython

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 19 12:25:46 EST 2001

>>>>> "Prabhu" == Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in> writes:

    Prabhu> I havent looked at your code for lack of time but I
    Prabhu> thought I'd mention that you should ensure that
    Prabhu> renwin.Render() is *never* called before your wxVTK widget
    Prabhu> is _realized_.  

Thanks for the tip.  Deferring the call to Render gets the image in
the wx window.  Good.

But now, out of the frying pan and into the fire.  Any mouse event on
the image completely bombs X windows.  Not a freeze like I was
experiencing under the CVS wxWindows, but actually kills X windows.
All these events are controlled by the Interactor.  Any advice on
whether I can hope to get Interactors working under wxPython?

The interactors are set up with:

         self._InteractorStyle = vtkInteractorStyleUser()         
         self._Interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()

    Prabhu> BTW, did you notice the expose related problems with
    Prabhu> wxPython.lib.vtk that I mentioned in my last email?

I haven't done it yet as I have been busy dealing with a gazillion
problems, but it's on my list.

John Hunter

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