[vtkusers] VTK 4.0 build on Linux using OpenGL

Fabian Härle f.haerle at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue Nov 13 05:49:55 EST 2001


I have been testing vtk using Software OpenGL via MESA on my Linuy
system. Recently, I have got a NVidia Card and I upgraded to a new Linux
version (Suse 7.3). My system now seems to run correctly with NVidia's
hardware GLX driver.
After having built VTK 4.0 (options: --with-opengl --with-shared
--with-contrib --with-tcl) I wanted to test it using the vtk tcl

>vtk Cone.tcl

gives the following result:

Generic Warning: In vtkGraphicsFactory.cxx, line 321
Attempting to create an OpenGL or Mesa based object with a VTK that is
not linked/configured with Mesa/OpenGL.

I don't know, where the problem is, as neither the compiler nor the
linker reported any error during the make process...

Thanks for your help,


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