[vtkusers] Why doesn't the Delaunay2D->Update() work?

Terence Lim tlim at mda.ca
Thu Nov 8 13:44:41 EST 2001

Hi folks,

I am inserting new points into a vtkPoints object, I noticed that after I
insert the point, the corresponding vtkPolyData object is also updated.  The
problem is the when I view the corresponding vtkDelaunay2D object, the
resulting TIN does not contain the points that I have inserted.  I have
tried using Update() but this had no effect.
Any ideas? Here is my code:

points->GetNumberOfPoints();   //outputs 24
polydata->GetNumberOfPoints();//outputs 24

points->InsertNextPoint(coord[3]);    //insert the point

points->GetNumberOfPoints();   //outputs 25
polydata->GetNumberOfPoints();//outputs 25




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