[vtkusers] HELP!!!! how VTK work with Performer ?

Song Li lisong at vrac.iastate.edu
Sun Nov 4 22:46:19 EST 2001

Hi, Gurus,
   Does anybody use 'vtkactorToPF' to associate VTK with Performer ? I
just have a problem, I wrote some "pure Performer" class, with " xxx =
new pfGeode" in the constructor , and when I create an instance of this
class, the whole program crashed and dumped a core, the only difference
of this object with the other successful created objects is it is "pure
Performer" and the others create both pfGeode and VTK objects in
constructor.....so, anybody think it is a reason ?? or any debug method

Song Li
VRAC(Virtual Reality Application Center),Iowa State University
Email: lisong at vrac.iastate.edu
Homepage: http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~lisong

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