[vtkusers] RE: [wxPython] VTK + wxPython flicker issue on Lin ux/GTK.

Sebastien BARRE seb-ml-vtk at barre.nom.fr
Sat Mar 10 09:09:24 EST 2001

At 09/03/2001 19:10, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
> >>>>> "Jim" == "James V. Miller" <millerjv at crd.ge.com>  writes:
>     Jim> I wonder if the SetParentInfo() method would help us separate
>     Jim> Win32 builds from the internals of tcl/tk.  When I tried to
>     Jim> separate them before I could not get widgets to parent
>     Jim> properly....

Yes, that would be great.

>Well, it would be wonderful if it does help.  But I have no clue if it
>will.  Anyways, I'll be sending the patches to Sebastien Barre in a
>short while.  Hopefully, if I havent messed things up this should get
>to the CVS tree and you can check if it helps you. :)

I've reviewed Prabhu's changes, and the code looks clean. It's a new 
feature, that does not interfere with other functions (i.e. is not likely 
to break anything to my opinion).
It's in the CVS.  Give it a try Jim :)
Check the continous build dashboard for details :

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