[vtkusers] vtkhow Win32RenderWindowInteractor respond to WM_MOUSEMOVE

bjqin at 263.net bjqin at 263.net
Tue Jan 9 03:09:41 EST 2001

hello rinbar and all vtkusers:
	I'm writing VTk based application using VC++ 6.0, and try to make embedded vtkWin32OpenGLImageWindow respond to windows message(such as WM_MOUSEMOVE,WM_LBUTTONDOWN,and keypress,etc.). In solving this problem, I try to create a new class inherited from vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor,in which I will override virtual functions such as OnLButtonUp(),OnMouseMove(),etc. How can it work well? and what can I do for this problem?     
      Thanks in advance!   

            bjqin at 263.net

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