[vtkusers] extracting a volume of interest

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Thu Apr 26 05:31:42 EDT 2001


>>>>> "Shiva" == Shiva Bissoon <sbissoo2 at hotmail.com> writes:

    Shiva> Hi Prabhu and others, I was wondering if you may be able to
    Shiva> give some advice and perhaps see my problems.I am trying to
    Shiva> extract a vloume of interest, i.e. the plane where the
    Shiva> particles intersect the plane.However, it runs the error
    Shiva> that it cannot convert a vtkPolydata type to
    Shiva> vtkStructedGrid...  Attached is the code in tcl.Could you
    Shiva> give it a try and see if you could sopt what is wrong and
    Shiva> perhaps how I might go about changing the code.thanks,

vtkExtractVOI is to be used with a Structured Points input dataset and
not polydata.  This is why you have those error messages.  Instead of
doing this you should use a vtkCutter or even a vtkClipPolyData.  So
if you have some dataset and want to sample the data along some
surface you can use an implicit function and sample it on that.  You
could use a vtkPlane as an implicit surface and then use
SetClipFunction to the plane and then contour the output of this.


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