[vtkusers] Minor problem with vtknightlytcl.exe installer

Julian Humphries julian at essaustin.com
Mon Apr 23 00:04:14 EDT 2001

The installer for the Tcl interface to vtk creates a registry entry for 
"vtkDocument".  A vtkDocument (which is a tcl file) is opened by 
wishxx.  Although the installer includes tcl/tk 8.2 and consequently 
wish82, the registry entry still indicates the script should be opened with 
wish80.exe.  It is an easy matter to edit (once you figure out what is 
going on) but as installed, none of the tcl scripts work. (Of course the 
python interface is still tied to a 8.0 version of tkinter, but I think 
that is a different issue, one that I have not solved, yet).

Julian Humphries
University of Texas

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