[vtkusers] How shall I set up VTK classes for Borlandc C++ Builder 4.0? (Instructions in the readme.html files fail.)Help me

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Apr 18 13:55:58 EDT 2001


>>>>> "SD" == "Sedat DOGAN2" <d_sedat at hotmail.com> writes:

    SD> I have a problem on setting up VTK 2.0 for Borland C++ Builder
    SD> 3.0 or = 4.0.

First, I'd recommend using the latest VTK releases VTK2.0 is ancient!
The current stable release is 3.2.  You can get the software from

There was a messg earlier this month by John Biddiscombe on building
vtk for borland.  Here is the message:


and here is the URL



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