[vtkusers] vtkPointPicker, coordinates?

George Kamucha kamucha at hfm.e-technik.uni-kassel.de
Tue Apr 17 10:57:01 EDT 2001

Hi all,
I am playing around with vtkPointPicker inorder to obtain the coordinates of particular points on my data set. It is really a game because the coordinates I am getting are a bit far from
what I was expecting. I am really confused...Hey, what kind of coordinates does GetPickPosition() return, global or somehow unknown? Here is a part of my snippet (tcl), may be something is
terribly wrong with it?


vtkPointPicker pointPicker
    pointPicker SetEndPickMethod pickBabie

proc pickBabie {}  {
    if {[pointPicker GetPointId] !="-1"} {
         set pointPos [pointPicker GetPickPosition]
         puts "\nPicked Point  is at  \$$pointPos"

         } else {
         puts "\nNo Point was picked here!!"}

Best regards


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