[vtkusers] running frog example

John Wilson jpw at creare.com
Sun Apr 8 14:49:20 EDT 2001

I'm new to VTK and TCL, so I hope this isn't too stupid to ask: how does one
run the "frog" tcl examples?  For example, when I execute
F:\vtk-src-windows\examplesTcl\frog\lung.tcl (where F:\ is my CD drive) I
get the following error:

invalid command name "vtkTransform"

which is called from SliceOrder.tcl line 18.

So I figure that maybe I'm not including something I should include.  If I
first run a script of my own that loads vtktcl and then I execute lung.tcl,
I a different error:

invalid command name "vtkMarchingCubes"

which is called from segmented8.tcl line 117; I made progress (got over the
vtkTransform error), but didn't get far enough.

Any insights?

Much appreciated -

John P. Wilson
Creare Inc.
Etna Rd. - P.O. Box 71
Hanover, NH 03755
Tel: 603-643-3800 x318
Fax: 603-643-4657

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