[vtkusers] vtkEdgeFollower?

Sven Prevrhal Sven.Prevrhal at oarg.ucsf.edu
Thu Sep 28 11:56:16 EDT 2000

I have successfully used your code! I also found out about edgels (from the Tcl example
Canny.tcl), and after linking and filtering the edgels to extract the contour of interest, I
connect them with vtkPolyDataConnectivity. It works, except one problem: If there's even a tiny
hole in the contour, then the connectivity filter cannot jump over it. Is there a remedy for that?


Here's my code (more or less Canny.tcl except the vtkPolyDataConnectivity at the end):

vtkImageCast ic
ic SetOutputScalarTypeToFloat
ic SetInput $img; # img is vtkImageData

# smooth the image
vtkImageGaussianSmooth gs
gs SetInput [ic GetOutput]
gs SetDimensionality 2
gs SetRadiusFactors 1 1 0

# gradient the image
vtkImageGradient imgGradient;
imgGradient SetInput [gs GetOutput];
imgGradient SetDimensionality 2

vtkImageMagnitude imgMagnitude
imgMagnitude SetInput [imgGradient GetOutput]

# non maximum suppression
vtkImageNonMaximumSuppression nonMax;
nonMax SetVectorInput [imgGradient GetOutput];
nonMax SetMagnitudeInput [imgMagnitude GetOutput];
nonMax SetDimensionality 2

vtkImageConstantPad pad
pad SetInput [imgGradient GetOutput]
pad SetOutputNumberOfScalarComponents 3
pad SetConstant 0

vtkImageToStructuredPoints i2sp1
i2sp1 SetInput [nonMax GetOutput]
i2sp1 SetVectorInput [pad GetOutput]

# link edgles
vtkLinkEdgels imgLink;
imgLink SetInput [i2sp1 GetOutput];
imgLink SetGradientThreshold 2;
imgLink SetPhiThreshold 45
imgLink SetLinkThreshold 80

# threshold links
vtkThreshold thresholdEdgels;
thresholdEdgels SetInput [imgLink GetOutput];
thresholdEdgels ThresholdBetween 40 60;
thresholdEdgels AllScalarsOff

vtkGeometryFilter gf
gf SetInput [thresholdEdgels GetOutput]

vtkImageToStructuredPoints i2sp
i2sp SetInput [imgMagnitude GetOutput]
i2sp SetVectorInput [pad GetOutput]

# subpixel them
#vtkSubPixelPositionEdgels spe;
#spe SetInput [gf GetOutput];
#spe SetGradMaps [i2sp GetOutput];

vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter connect
connect SetExtractionModeToLargestRegion
connect SetInput [gf GetOutput]

m.petrone at cineca.it wrote:

> Sven Prevrhal wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'd like to have a threshold-based edge follower with a seed point. Is
> > there something similar available? If not, how would I write it?
> > I guess derived from vtkImageToPolyDataFilter since the output would be
> > ..hmmm.. vtkPoints, as part of poly data?
> Some times ago I did something similar with this pipeline:
>  vtkImageThreshold thresh
>  thresh ThresholdByUpper $myvars(thresh)
>  thresh ReplaceInOn
>  thresh ReplaceOutOn
>  thresh SetOutValue 0
>  thresh SetInValue 255
>  thresh SetInput [clipper GetOutput]
>  vtkMarchingSquares contour
>  contour SetInput [thresh GetOutput]
>  contour SetNumberOfContours 1
>  contour SetValue 1 255
>  vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter connect
>  connect SetExtractionModeToLargestRegion
>  connect SetInput [contour GetOutput]
>  vtkCleanPolyData cleaner
>  cleaner SetInput [connect GetOutput]
> Where clipper was a vtkClipImage applied to the input image. I used this to extract contours
> of "flints". In that case flints were putted over a dark background, which allowed to have a
> good precision in reproducing contours from the initial image. The obtained polydata was
> composed of one or more cells of lines, from which I tried to extract invariant moments of the
> figure.
> Marco.

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