[vtkusers] SetDataSpacing

Bill Lorensen wlorens1 at nycap.rr.com
Sat Sep 2 13:24:31 EDT 2000

Spacing is x and y is the distance between the samples. The units of measure are your choice. Often medical images use millimeters. Let's say your medical data resolution is 512 x 512 and your study has a 250 mm field of view. Then the spacing in x and y would be 250/512 or .488 mm.

Hope this helps,


At 07:51 PM 9/1/00 +0200, a.dek at libero.it wrote:
>Hello! My name is Antonella
>I am new in vtk so excuseme if my question is stupid.
>I will try to visualize a medical data set.
>I would like to know what SetDataSpacing()'s values rappresent.
>I suppose that in z axis it is the distance between slices, but in X 
>and Y axis?
>I have another question:which is the unity of measure for this 
>parameters ? (pixel,millimetre, etc.)
>thanks in advance, I hope to hear from you very soon
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