[vtkusers] Debugging vtkdll from Borland C++ Builder

David Pont david_pont at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 13 12:19:15 EDT 2000

I am developing a Clip method for vtkTetra, this being a first step to 
towards clipping for UnstructuredGrid data. I have Wondoze 98, I build vtk 
as a DLL using the makefiles generated by PCMaker, and I develop 
applications using Borland C++ Builder. The makefiles for the vtk DLL 
(normal or Debug) work great, but the debug version of the DLL does not 
allow me to step into the vtk source in the DLL during debugging. There are 
two clues that the DLL is not a real debug version: First it is the same 
size as the 'normal' DLL. Second when I look at the DLL using Windows 
QuickView the header section says: "Line numbers stripped from file" and 
"Local symbols stripped from file". I have tinkered with the compiler and 
linker options in the Debug makefile, but dont want to mess up what may be a 
perfectly valid makefile, maybe the problem lies elsewhere.
Is there anyone else out there using C++ Builder that can help me?

  Dave Pont
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