[vtkusers] Scale visibility

Steven Woolsey woolsr at inel.gov
Fri Oct 6 13:10:46 EDT 2000


I am having a problem with the scale of my objects.  I have an overhead
view for users to select specific objects.  The problem I have is that
the area that the objects are spread out over is so large that the
objects don't show up (drawing as less than a pixel).  The size of the
are is:

min: X:188783 Y:3270 Z:569306
max: X:460554 Y:5375 Z:840257

and the camer info is:

Camera Pos : X:324669 Y:952404 Z:704782
Focal Point: X:324669 Y:4821   Z:704782                              

I know the numbers are large, but this is a geology vis program so I
need large scale.

Is there an easy way with VTK to make the object scale to a visible size
automatically?  I know I can set up an ad hoc method using scaling, but
I hope there is an easier way.  I need an answer fairly quick, since I
need to show this to a customer next week.



Steven Woolsey                         Engineer/Scientist
Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC                Visualization Engineer
Idaho National Engineering Lab.        EMAIL: woolsr at inel.gov
P.O. Box 1625, M.S. 3605
Idaho Falls, ID  83415-3605

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