[vtkusers] vtkImageMultipleInputFilter bug + solution

alext at win.tue.nl alext at win.tue.nl
Fri Oct 6 09:52:48 EDT 2000

  Hi all,

  There is a problem in the vtk3.1 version concerning the
vtkImageMultipleInputFilter class. This class offers public methods to add
vtkImageData inputs, but not to remove them. Namely, there is no public method
of the form:

		void RemoveInput(vtkImageData*);

to remove an already added input. However, similar multiple input classes
such as vtkAppendPolyData and vtkAppendFilter offer such methods. these call
in their turn the inherited protected RemoveInputs defined at the
vtkProcessObject level.

  I guess something similar should happen for vtkImageMultipleInputFilter,
i.e. one shoudl add such a RemoveInput(vtkImageData*) public inline calling
the similar method inherited from vtkProcessObject. Maybe the vtk
development team could correct me if I'm wrong and tell me how I can then
remove an input of a vtkImageMultipleInputFilter.

  Regards, Alex

 Alexandru C. Telea   	     | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
 E-mail   : alext at win.tue.nl | Dept. of Mathematics and 
 Office   :  HG 7.71         | Computer Science
 Tel.     : +31 40 247 2749  | PO Box 513
 Secretary: +31 40 247 4416  | 5600 MB Eindhoven
 Fax      : +31 40 246 8508  | The Netherlands			      
 URL      : http://www.win.tue.nl/math/an/alext

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