[vtkusers] Re:what kind of scale do the world coordinates use?

Tao-Pak Chris Tsui tsuitp at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 11:03:31 EST 2000

>1) The measurement unit is defined by the data you
>read. If your data contains point coordinates in
>then all measurements will be in mm
>  if you read a volume of pixels and use  the
>SetDataSpacing of the vtkImageReader, you also
>implicitly define a unit

excuse me being an ignorant...  how do I find out if
my data contains point coordinates in mm??  I am using
"dicom2" provided by Sebastien Barre to change my
dicom slice files to raw file format...  all I know is
the pixel size (512 X 512)..  any help?

it appears to me there's a constant proportional rate
between the distance of 2 points from the virtual
space  to the same pair from the real space...  and
it's about 1.8..  can I make that to 1:1 ratio? 


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