[vtkusers] 3D from image slices taken at regular angles?

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Fri Nov 10 07:15:34 EST 2000

Hi Greg-

As a first cut you might try vtkStructuredGrid. This is topologically regular
(as you described) but requires geometric coordinate specification. This will
take care of the representation.

Rendering with transparency is a little trickier. One approach would be to
resample on a volume, and then volume render that. Another is to generate
a series of cut planes (like in the example graphics/examplesTcl/combVol.tcl).
If you are real ambitious, you could write a filter that extracted planes from
your radially structured data in sorted order (sorted along the camera view
from back to front) and then render that. (Sorting is required to insure
correct compositing / alpha blending).


At 04:43 PM 11/9/2000 -0700, you wrote:

>I have obtained a number of images of an object during rotation of that
>object about its long axis (or rotation of the imaging device).
>The result can be envisioned as the air filter or oil filter in your car -
>a series of 2D images radiating from a common central axis at regular
>angle intervals. In another example, the images are like a deck of cards
>set on their side and then fanned around the centre axis like spokes in a
>To recreate the object in three-dimensions and be able to view it with
>varying transparency levels, I would like to organize the seperate images
>in what I imagine would be a "circular stack" in comparison to the linear
>stack currently available.
>Can this be performed in VTK? Thanks in advance.

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