How to move streamlines faster...

Pablo Figueroa pfiguero at
Mon May 29 16:04:03 EDT 2000

(2nd and last attempt to post this question... sorry if you received

Hi everybody,

I need help with the following problem: 
In the streamlines example inside a kitchen, I want to move the source
line on the wall source to see different streamlines. Since the
computation takes time, I would like to create a buffer of streamlines and
I would like to select them depending on the position of a line. My
solution is based in the following filters: 

PlaneSource ----> StreamLine ----> SelectPolyData ---> PolyDataMapper
	                             loop (selection line)

PlaneSource defines the area where I want to interact and SelectPolyData
filters streamlines. However I have two problems:

- SelectPolyData doesn't filter lines, just surfaces
- The combination PlaneSource/StreamLine creates too much information

My questions are: Do I have to create my own filter for this purpose,
instead of SelectPolyData? Is there a better way to define the interaction
area than the PlaneSource? Is there a better way to achieve interactive
frame rates? My current solution takes too much memory... How can I follow
what is taking all memory?

Thanks in advance. Best Regards,

Pablo Figueroa              pfiguero at
PhD Student       
University of Alberta

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