Camera/Light FocalPoint/Position

Eduardo Kortright eduardo at
Mon May 29 11:06:48 EDT 2000


Sorry to bother everyone with what is probably a trivial question.
The VTK User's Manual has the following innocent-looking example:

vtkCamera cam1
vtkLight light
  light SetPosition [cam1 GetPosition]

This tcl code will not work on a recent nightly release of VTK for

The result is an error:  Object named: light, could not find requested
method:  SetPosition or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

The same happens if you try to set the FocalPoint for the light.  The
same error occurs if you similarly try to set the camera's position and
focal point as well.  No error occurs if you specify coordinates using
constants as in

  light SetPosition 0 0 3

What am I missing?  Thanks for any pointers.

Eduardo Kortright   Department of Computer Science
eduardo at   University of New Orleans
Voice: (504) 280-6626   Lakefront Campus
FAX:   (504) 280-7228   New Orleans, LA 70148

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