Parallel Coordinates

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at
Thu May 25 07:28:04 EDT 2000

At 11:54 PM 5/24/00 -0400, you wrote:
>This is perfect. I was looking to implement some version of this for a proposal.. is it working 
>well? Is there any documentation of it yet? 
>     -- krs 

I can't say it is polished, but it seems to work okay for the simple things I tried.  There is a
test script vtk/imaging/examplesTcl/parallelCoordinates.tcl that you can try. The class is
pretty straightforward to use: just set a vtkDataObject as input, and specify whether to use
rows or columns as the independent variables. The rest is setting properties, positions, etc.
If you try it out, I'd like to know of any suggestions for improvement.

Here's a snaippet of the script:
# Create a reader and write out the field
vtkUnstructuredGridReader reader
     reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA/blow.vtk"
     reader SetVectorsName displacement9
     reader SetScalarsName thickness9
vtkDataSetToDataObjectFilter ds2do
     ds2do SetInput [reader GetOutput]
vtkParallelCoordinatesActor actor
     actor SetInput [ds2do GetOutput]
     actor SetTitle "Parallel Coordinates Plot of blow.tcl"
     actor SetIndependentVariablesToColumns
     [actor GetPositionCoordinate] SetValue 0.05 0.05 0.0
     [actor GetPosition2Coordinate] SetValue 0.95 0.85 0.0
     [actor GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0


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