Bug in vtkImageClip Update extent stuff

John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at rl.ac.uk
Wed May 24 08:55:36 EDT 2000

image (0,255,0,255,0,1) -> image clip (0,63,0,63,0,1) -> No problem
Change image clip (31,63,0,63,0,1)

gives this...

ERROR: In D:\vtk\common\vtkDataObject.cxx, line 462
	vtkImageData (01CE8E70): Update extent does not lie within whole extent
ERROR: In D:\vtk\common\vtkDataObject.cxx, line 469
	vtkImageData (01CE8E70): Update extent is: 0, 63, 0, 63, 0, 0
ERROR: In D:\vtk\common\vtkDataObject.cxx, line 476
	vtkImageData (01CE8E70): Whole extent is: 31, 63, 0, 63, 0, 0
ERROR: In D:\vtk\common\vtkDataObject.cxx, line 462
	vtkImageData (01CE8E70): Update extent does not lie within whole extent
ERROR: In D:\vtk\common\vtkDataObject.cxx, line 469
	vtkImageData (01CE8E70): Update extent is: 0, 63, 0, 63, 0, 0
ERROR: In D:\vtk\common\vtkDataObject.cxx, line 476
	vtkImageData (01CE8E70): Whole extent is: 31, 63, 0, 63, 0, 0

I'm sure a ComputeRequiredInputUpdateExtent call is needed, but I'm not
quite sure what to put in it!

Anyone know how to fix it?



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