trapping special keys

Benjamin K Cook bcook at
Tue May 16 16:54:28 EDT 2000

Hi -

Is anyone else frustrated with the limited
functionality provided by the vtkInteractorStyle::OnChar
method?  I'm developing a customized Interactor Style
and would like to trap special keys (arrow, function, etc);
unfortunately, the event handling in vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor
and vtkXRenderWindowInteractor only captures character key presses.

Yes, there are some workarounds: For instance, in X, I can
remap the arrow keys using xmodmap so that XLookupString in
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor.cxx will return a recognizable
character for my overloaded OnChar method.  Alternatively
(and this is what I've done (: ), one can hack the event-handling
code in vtk*RenderWindowInteractor to trap these special keys and
return some char value using an user-defined extended character

Any suggestions for a more general fix?  Perhaps a new
method in vtkRenderWindowInteractor to allow users to specify a
list of special keys to trap and a new vtkInteractorStyle::OnKey
method for the interception of these key presses?  


Ben Cook   

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