WAS : vtkCamera ...

Maurizio Turatti mturatti at ais.it
Fri May 12 07:57:45 EDT 2000

On 12/05/2000 12.26.39 John Biddiscombe  wrote:

>>A KeepConstantHeightAboveTerrain(...) function would be very nice.
>Before I do this, I ought to ask. What is your application? if it turns out
>you're in "competition" with the stuff we do, I ought to stop improving the
>flight interactor and instead subclass it myself and keep it back :)
>this is a problem I have at work which is that although we're doing
>research, we are commercially exploiting some software and I'm told that if
>I "give away" too much useful stuff I'll get a beating.
>Anyone else had the same trouble and found a way out?

I can understand your point of view. I also read Will Schroeder's opinion, and I
agree. I'm building a prototype application for 3D interaction of terrains, it's
not an open source project, but I'm using open source tools, like VTK. I choose
VTK because I like its design, but I'm still a beginner about programming with
it. For this reason,  I think a VTK's great value it's the support one can get
from the community. If you have some VTK code you think it's strategic for your
company you are obviously not  forced to make it public, but I thank you for the
code you added to VTK until now. If I'll be able to help you with the Flight
Interactor I'll be glad to do. When my (python!) code will be more stable, I'll
send you a copy  (maybe in C++, if you prefer...), even if I think your solution
is definitely more complete (well, mine has the picker :)).


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