trouble adding new image reader/lousy documentation

Alexandre Guimond guimond at
Thu May 11 16:00:03 EDT 2000

>>>>> "lml" == Lawrence M Lifshitz <Lawrence.Lifshitz at> writes:

    lml> hi. I am a newbie to vtk, attempting to add a trivial image
    lml> reader to it.  I've got an ascii header of fixed size and
    lml> format to parse, yielding image dimensions, etc, followed by
    lml> short ints of 3d data.  I am using the doxygen documentation
    lml> (which is very nice as far as it goes) and the VTK Toolkit
    lml> 2nd edition as my references. I have vtk 3.1, under windows.

If you're format is relatively simple, you can overload
ExecuteInformation() which should read header information and set the
proper parameters.  The rest should happen by itself.  As to which
parameters should be set and what they mean, I got my info reading
throws all the vtk*Reader.  I agree, there is not much information
about doing that kind of thing.
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