intersection with line

Jan Kraak J.Kraak at
Thu May 11 10:21:55 EDT 2000

Dear vtk-users,

I want to know, which of the triangles of a polydata set generated bij 
vtkMarchingCubes, intersects with a given line. I found the method 
IntersectWithLine, but the the documentation in the vtk manual 
pages is not very clear and I could not find an example of the use of 

I should like to receive an simple example of the use of 

Thanks in advance.

Jan Kraak

drs. Jan Kraak
Computing Center University of Groningen
Post Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
tel: +31 50 363 3389
fax: +31 50 363 3406
email: J.Kraak at
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