[vtkusers] vtkCamera Dolly & FocalPoint

Maurizio Turatti mturatti at ais.it
Thu May 11 11:59:34 EDT 2000

On 11/05/2000 15.45.23 John Biddiscombe  wrote:

>I recently added vtkInteractorStyleFlight to graphics\
>it allows flight over terrain. Exactly my reason for creating it. If you
>don't use the latest nightly distribution, you might want to start doing
>so. I've added a few functions that I need for flying around, but if you
>were to chip in and add some more I'd be very happy.

I'm playing with your Interactor and it seems very good. I'm no more able to use
the 'p' key to pick, however. Consider that I'm using python, so I can't


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