scalars to color mapping

Dingrong Yi yidingr at
Sat Mar 25 13:54:55 EST 2000

Hi Randy,

You are right. Thank you so much. By the way, I would like my experience
to be shared.

(1) aContour->ComputeScalarsOff() results in single gray color, no matter
how fussy the color look up table can be.

(2) Should explicitly set the opacity factor of the actor. Such as:
where aObject is of vtkActor.
Without setting the Opacity factor or setting it to be one, both result in
single red color.



On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Randy Heiland wrote:

> Dingrong,
> I'm surprised your code was working for small volumes even.  The following line
> in your code seems to prevent the multi-colored contour surfaces from
> appearing:
>   aContour->ComputeScalarsOff();
> I've attached a modified version of the pgm you sent.  It generates a volume of
> the Lorenz data and works for up to 200x200x200, generating 20 contours.  Of
> course, it probably depends on how much memory your machine has.
> My question is: why does vtkKitwareContourFilter core dump?
> --Randy
> #define LORENZ
> #include "vtkMath.h"
> #include "vtkShortArray.h"
> #include "vtkRenderer.h"
> #include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
> #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
> #include "vtkSphereSource.h"
> #include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"
> #include "vtkActor.h"
> #include "vtkPlanes.h"
> #include "vtkPoints.h"
> #include "vtkNormals.h"
> #include "vtkImplicitTextureCoords.h"
> #include "vtkDataSetMapper.h"
> #include "vtkStructuredPointsReader.h"
> #include "vtkTexture.h"
> #include "vtkDecimate.h"
> #include "vtkOutlineFilter.h"
> #include "vtkContourFilter.h"
> #include "vtkKitwareContourFilter.h"
> #include<stdlib.h>
> #include<stdio.h>
> #include<stream.h>
> #include<fstream.h>
> #include<math.h>
> #define FALSE 0
> #define TRUE 1
> // Nasty Global Variables
> // input parameters
> float parLowThresh   = 0.5;
> float parHighThresh  = 1.5;
> float parColor[3]    = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
> float parRotation[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
> float parCamPos[3]   = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
> float parCamFoc[3]   = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
> int   parCamera      = FALSE;
> float parZoom        = 1.0;
> int   parSmooth      = 100;
> int   parIterations  = 9;
> char  outName[50];
> char  inName[50];
> int   outPPM         = TRUE;
> // ---- Lorenz stuff ------
> float	Pr = 10.0;	// The Lorenz parameters
> float	b = 2.667;
> float	r = 28.0;
> float	x, y, z;	// starting (and current) x, y, z
> float	h = 0.01;	// integration step size
> //int	resolution=200;	// slice resolution
> //int	resolution=20;	// slice resolution
> //int	iter = 10000000;	// number of iterations
> int	iter = 10000;	// number of iterations
> float	xmin = -30.0;	// x, y, z range for voxels
> float	xmax = 30.0;
> float	ymin = -30.0;
> float	ymax = 30.0;
> float	zmin = -10.0;
> float	zmax = 60.0;
> int randomMode = 1;
> float xIncr, yIncr, zIncr;
> short	*slice;
> // ----------
> int main (int argc, char * argv[])
> {
>   if (argc < 3) {
>     cout <<"Usage: "<<argv[0]<<" <numContours> <domainRes>" <<endl;
>     cout <<"  e.g., " <<argv[0] << " 25 30"<<endl;
>     cout <<"  e.g., " <<argv[0] << " 20 200"<<endl;
>     exit(-1);
>   }
>   int numContours = atoi(argv[1]);
>   cout <<"numContours = "<< numContours <<endl;
>   int resolution = atoi(argv[2]);
>   cout <<"resolution = "<< resolution <<endl;
>   vtkRenderWindow *renWin;
>   vtkRenderer *ren1;
>   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren;
>   // create a window, renderer and interactor
>   renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New();
>   ren1 = vtkRenderer::New();
>   renWin->AddRenderer(ren1);
>   renWin->SetSize(500,500);
>   iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
>   iren->SetRenderWindow(renWin);
> #ifdef LORENZ
>   int	i, j;
>   float	xx, yy, zz;
>   short	xxx, yyy, zzz;
>   int	sliceSize;
>   short *s;
>   void options(int, char**);
>   int numPts, index;
>   // take a stab at an integration step size
>   xIncr = resolution / (xmax - xmin);
>   yIncr = resolution / (ymax - ymin);
>   zIncr = resolution / (zmax - zmin);
>   printf ("The Lorenz Attractor\n");
>   printf ("	Pr = %f\n", Pr);
>   printf ("	b = %f\n", b);
>   printf ("	r = %f\n", r);
>   printf ("	integration step size = %f\n", h);
>   printf ("	slice resolution = %d\n", resolution);
>   printf ("	# of iterations = %d\n", iter);
>   printf ("	specified range:\n");
>   printf ("		x: %f, %f\n", xmin, xmax);
>   printf ("		y: %f, %f\n", ymin, ymax);
>   printf ("		z: %f, %f\n", zmin, zmax);
>   x = vtkMath::Random(xmin,xmax);
>   y = vtkMath::Random(ymin,ymax);
>   z = vtkMath::Random(zmin,zmax);
>   printf ("	starting at %f, %f, %f\n", x, y, z);
>   // allocate memory for the slices
>   sliceSize = resolution * resolution;
>   numPts = sliceSize * resolution;
>   vtkScalars *scalars = vtkScalars::New(VTK_SHORT);
>   s = ((vtkShortArray *)scalars->GetData())->WritePointer(0,numPts);
>   for (i=0; i < numPts; i++) s[i] = 0;
>   printf ("	integrating...\n");
>   for (j = 0; j < iter; j++)
>     {
>     // integrate to next time step
>     xx = x + h * Pr * (y - x);
>     yy = y + h * (x * (r - z) - y);
>     zz = z + h * (x * y - (b * z));
>     x = xx; y = yy; z = zz;
>     // calculate voxel index
>     if (x < xmax && x > xmin && y < ymax && y > ymin && z < zmax && z > zmin)
>       {
>       xxx = (short) ((float)(xx - xmin) * xIncr);
>       yyy = (short) ((float)(yy - ymin) * yIncr);
>       zzz = (short) ((float)(zz - zmin) * zIncr);
>       index = xxx + yyy*resolution + zzz*sliceSize;
>       s[index] += 1;
>       }
>     }
>   vtkStructuredPoints *volume = vtkStructuredPoints::New();
>     volume->GetPointData()->SetScalars(scalars);
>     volume->SetDimensions(resolution,resolution,resolution);
>     volume->SetOrigin(xmin,ymin,zmin);
>     volume->SetSpacing((xmax-xmin)/resolution, (ymax-ymin)/resolution,
>                        (zmax-zmin)/resolution);
> #else
>   // try to read the data
>   vtkStructuredPointsReader *aReader;
>   aReader = vtkStructuredPointsReader::New();
>   aReader->SetFileName(argv[1]);
>   aReader->Update();
>   vtkStructuredPoints *aPoints;
>   aPoints = vtkStructuredPoints::New();
>   aPoints = aReader->GetOutput();
> #endif
> /*-----------
>   float  max = 0;
> // for (i = 0; i < aPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
>  for (i = 0; i < volume->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
> 	{
> //	  if ( aPoints->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetScalar(i) > max)
> 	  if ( volume->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetScalar(i) > max)
> 	    {
> //	      max = aPoints->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetScalar(i);
> 	      max = volume->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetScalar(i);
> 	    }
> 	}
>  cout<<"Maximum value of the input data = "<<max<<endl;
> -------------*/
>  float *srange = volume->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetRange();
>  cout<<"scalar range = "<<srange[0]<<", "<<srange[1]<<endl;
>  // Extract isosurface
>   vtkContourFilter *aContour = vtkContourFilter::New();
>     // hmmm, get a core dump when try to use this
> //  vtkKitwareContourFilter *aContour = vtkKitwareContourFilter::New();
> //  aContour->SetInput(aPoints);
>   aContour->SetInput(volume);
> //  aContour->ComputeScalarsOff();
> /*----
>   aContour->ComputeGradientsOff();
>   aContour->ComputeNormalsOff();
> ---*/
>   aContour->UseScalarTreeOn();
>     float contourDelta = (srange[1] - srange[0]) / (numContours-1);
>     cout <<"contourDelta = "<< contourDelta <<endl;
>     int count = 0;
> //    for (i = 0; i <= max;  i = i + 3)
>     for (float sval = srange[0]; sval <= srange[1];  sval = sval +
> contourDelta)
>     {
>       aContour->SetValue(count, sval );
>       cout <<"--- setting aContour "<< count << ", value = "<< sval <<endl;
>       count = count + 1;
>     }
>     cout<<"Number of Contours = "<<aContour->GetNumberOfContours()<<endl;
>     aContour->SetNumberOfContours(count);
>   //derive my own lookup table for scalars color mapping.
>   vtkLookupTable *Lut = vtkLookupTable::New();
>     Lut->SetHueRange (0.0, 0.667);
>     Lut->SetSaturationRange (1.0, 1.0);
>     Lut->SetValueRange (1.0, 1.0);
>     Lut->SetAlphaRange( 1.0, 1.0);
>     Lut->SetNumberOfColors(256);
>     Lut->Build();
>   //  map to graphics library
>     vtkPolyDataMapper *mapper;
>     mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
>     mapper->SetInput(aContour->GetOutput());
>     mapper->ScalarVisibilityOn();
> //printf("setting scalar range = 0 %f\n",max);
> //    mapper->SetScalarRange(0, max);
>     mapper->SetScalarRange(srange);
> //    mapper->SetLookupTable(Lut);
>   cout<<"Finish mapper to graphics library."<<endl;
>   // actor coordinates geometry, properties, transformation
>   vtkActor *aObject;
>   aObject = vtkActor::New();
>   aObject->SetMapper(mapper);
>   aObject->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.5);
>   aObject->Update();
>   cout<<"Finish updating the actor."<<endl;
>   // Create box around object
>   // based on original dimensions of the image
>   vtkOutlineFilter *outline;
>   outline = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
> //  outline->SetInput(aReader->GetOutput());
>   outline->SetInput(volume);
>   vtkPolyDataMapper *outlineMapper;
>   outlineMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
>   outlineMapper->SetInput(outline->GetOutput());
>   vtkActor *outlineActor;
>   outlineActor = vtkActor::New();
>   outlineActor->SetMapper(outlineMapper);
>   outlineActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
>   float * bounds;
>   bounds = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*6);
>   bounds = outlineActor->GetBounds();
>   float xc = (bounds[1]-bounds[0])/2.0;
>   float yc = (bounds[3]-bounds[2])/2.0;
>   float zc = (bounds[5]-bounds[4])/2.0;
>   cout<<"Origin xc, yc, zc = "<<xc<<"  "<<yc<<" "<<zc<<endl;
>   // Set Origin of the objects at the same position
>   aObject->SetOrigin(xc,yc,zc);
>   outlineActor->SetOrigin(xc,yc,zc);
>   // Initial rotation
>   aObject->RotateWXYZ(parRotation[0],1,0,0);
>   aObject->RotateWXYZ(parRotation[1],0,1,0);
>   aObject->RotateWXYZ(parRotation[2],0,0,1);
>   outlineActor->RotateWXYZ(parRotation[0],1,0,0);
>   outlineActor->RotateWXYZ(parRotation[1],0,1,0);
>   outlineActor->RotateWXYZ(parRotation[2],0,0,1);
>   outlineActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(0.3);
>   //add actors to the renderer
>   ren1->AddActor(aObject);
>   ren1->AddActor(outlineActor);
>   ren1->SetBackground(1.0,1.0,1.0);
>   cout<<"Back ground color white"<<endl;
>   cout<<"Outline color = blue"<<endl;
>   cout<<"Ojbect color = Look up table"<<endl;
>   //if camera not specified use automatically created setup
>   if (parCamera==TRUE) {
>     ren1->GetActiveCamera()->SetPosition  (parCamPos[0], parCamPos[1],
> parCamPos[2]);
>     ren1->GetActiveCamera()->SetFocalPoint(parCamFoc[0], parCamFoc[1],
> parCamFoc[2]);
>     ren1->GetActiveCamera()->SetViewUp(0,1,0);
>   }
>   // update the zoom
>   ren1->GetActiveCamera()->Zoom(parZoom);
>   // Render
>   renWin->Render();
>   cout<<"Render " <<endl;
> /*-----
>   // Output PPM if asked
>   if (outPPM == TRUE) {
> //    char Name1[50];
>     float angle = 360.0/(float) parIterations;
>     for (int i=0; i<=parIterations; i++) {
>          cout<<"save "<<i<<"th  scene. "<<endl;
> 	cout<<"Type in an file name for PPM file: "<<endl;
> 	cin>>outName;
> 	renWin->SetFileName(outName);
>       renWin->SaveImageAsPPM();
>       aObject->RotateWXYZ((float) angle,0,1,0);
>       outlineActor->RotateWXYZ((float)angle,0,1,0);
>       //ren1->UpdateActors();
>       renWin->Render();
>     }
>   }
> -----*/
>   cout<<"Begin mouse interaction. "<<endl;
>   //  Begin mouse interaction
>   iren->Start();
>   return 0;
> }
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