RectilinearGrid To Volume

Sathya Krishnamurthy (CSCS) skrishna at
Mon Mar 6 10:19:56 EST 2000

Hello All

In my efforts to get the volume out of the RectilinearGrid, I have come
up with this code below.

But, on running this..the code crashes with the following error message  

%Virtual memory exceeded in `new'

and the program quits.

Can somebody kindly point to me.. where I am making the mistake ?

Thanks a lot

catch {load vtktcl}

source /local/skrishna/vtk/examplesTcl/vtkInt.tcl
source volTkInteractor.tcl

vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
    renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
    iren SetRenderWindow renWin

vtkRectilinearGridReader reader
    reader SetFileName "field.07000"
    reader Update

vtkGaussianSplatter splatter
    splatter SetInput [reader GetOutput]
    splatter SetSampleDimensions 20 20 20
    splatter SetRadius 0.025
    splatter ScalarWarpingOff
    splatter Update

vtkVolumeRayCastIsosurfaceFunction  iso_func
        iso_func SetIsoValue 128.0

vtkVolumeRayCastMapper iso_volmap
        iso_volmap DebugOn
        iso_volmap SetInput [splatter GetOutput]
        iso_volmap SetVolumeRayCastFunction iso_func

vtkVolume iso_volume
        iso_volume DebugOn
        iso_volume SetMapper iso_volmap

ren1 AddVolume iso_volume

iren Initialize

Sathya Krishnamurthy
Research Scientist  , CSCS
Galleria 2 , Via Cantonale
CH - 6928 , Manno Switzerland
Ph: 41-91-6108260
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