[vtkusers] Python and vtkMultiProcessController

Stanley Dunn smd at occlusal.rutgers.edu
Fri Jul 28 16:18:27 EDT 2000

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Randy Heiland wrote:
> As David Gobbi has pointed out recently, yes, there are known problems
> with the Python wrappers - which you haven't stumbled upon yet.

Maybe I found a problem and then maybe I didn't.  It's more likely I just
don't understand something.

I've been trying to get the MPI and MultiProcess Controllers working with
python.  I did get the libraries to compile, but now I notice not all the
methods are in the python (or tcl, for that matter) bindings.

For example the Single(Multiple)MethodExecute methods are not wrapped in
Python (they are in Tcl). I can understand this looking at the wrappers --
pure virtual methods are not wrapped in Python.  But, how could the class
ever be used without these methods?

The same is true for SetSingle(Multiple)Method.  Neither are wrapped in
Python or Tcl.  It seems the class cannot be used without these methods

I've spent time yesterday and today trying to understand the wrapper and
the binding differences and I'm left with two questions that maybe someone
can help me with:

1.  Why are pure virtual methods wrapped in Tcl but not in Python? Related
to this, Send is listed as pure virtual in the documentation, but is
wrapped in both Python and Tcl versions of vtkMultiProcessController.

2.  Why are SetSingleMethod and SetMultipleMethod not wrapped in either
set of bindings?

Thanks, in advance, for any insight.

Stan Dunn

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