How to make vtk render into an existing glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass?

Tim S. Smith tssmith at
Mon Jan 31 18:12:37 EST 2000


In our development environment, we use a variety of rendering
technologies including Performer, Inventor, Volumizer, OpenGL, etc.  We
typically front-end these technologies with a GUI created using BXPro. 
BX creates the rendering window (OpenGL (glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass) or
Inventor) and all other GUI components for us and we point our rendering
routines to the window(s).

At the moment we are discovering the cool capabilities of vtk and would
like to use vtk in the same manner - create a glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass
instance using BX and point vtk to the window for all rendering
actions.  This will allow us to use our current suite of rendering
technologies in the SAME window with vtk.

Is this possible?  From what I have read in the vtk User's Guide, vtk
prefers to render to it's own window or to an X window containing an
xmPrimitiveWidgetClass instance.  

Thanks in advance,


Tim S. Smith        
Senior Scientist     
Computational Biology 
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals  
Health Care Research Center
8700 Mason-Montgomery Rd.
Mason, Ohio  45040

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