Iterative update viz pipeline

Julian Chen chengyc at
Tue Feb 29 00:10:02 EST 2000

Dear sir,

   We are currently working on a distributed simulation environment, which
uses VTK as the data visualization engine. But recently, we're facing a problem.

   In our environment, we'll generate data repeatly, according different
computation domain. And through the network, send the data to hosts and repeatlyusing VTK visualize the data, in the same dataset(according to VTK). Currently
we're using Java binding of VTK. What's bothering us now is that the VTK part
code hangs sometimes, during each iteration while updating the VTK visualization pipeline. The error read as, "0xxxx memory can be read. etc" in Windows 

   We're wondering if that's some bugs inside VTK C++ native code. Maybe some
critical section problem. In the situation of rapidly updating the pipeline,
such bugs slipped out noticable.

   If having any idea, please just drop me a mail. Any help is appreciate!

   Thanks for your help in advance. :-)

Best regards 

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``Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those
programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.'' 
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