imaging pipeline qn..

K.R.Subramanian krs at
Mon Feb 28 00:21:28 EST 2000

I am using the imaging pipeline to perform some image processing, but
I dont use the viewer. I am having difficulty in forcing the output of
the imaging filters.. for instance I have a simple  sequence as

vtkImageData-->vtkImageClip--> (clipped scalars)

I am trying to get the imaging data (scalars) from the above pipeline. I
Update() on the vtkImageClip() and try to get at the scalars by using
the GetPointData() method, but the scalars are not there. I know
only sets the clipping extent, but how do I force it to execute so that
can retrieve the clipped image?

I was able to do that (still not quite right) by sending this to
vtkImageToStructuredPoints, but I do not think this would be necessary.


    -- krs

K.R.Subramanian                           Phone: (704) 547-4872
Department of Computer Science            FAX:   (704) 547-3516
UNC Charlotte, 228A Kennedy
9201 Univ. City Blvd.                     Email: krs at
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001                  WWW:

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