[vtkusers] I'm stupid - (Python 2.0 question)

Justin Vose JVose at Scient.com
Fri Dec 15 11:38:18 EST 2000

Well, not really STUPID, I'm just new to Python and trying to get the VTK
working with ActiveState's ActivePython 2.02.

(Word of warning - I've unfortunately been weened on Java, so my C++ skills
are quite limited as well - I'm trying to atone my learning Python)

I've got the nightly source from yesterday, manage to build the appropriate
DLLs and libs... and then what?  I've looked through the python docs for

So... the vtk.dll goes in WINNT/System, but what about the vtkpython.dll
(and others) and the miscellaneous .lib files?

I KNOW that the following doesn't work:
1. Place the vtkpython.dll into Python20/DLLs
2. Rename the 'python' subdir of the VTK source to 'vtk31' or something of
the like, and place it in Python20.
3. Create a VTK.pth or vtkpython.pth file in Python20, with the contents:
4. Fire up Python and try one of:     import VTK     (OR)      import
	(the above gives me a DLL error in the interpreter, something about
being unable to find a procedure/method call)

Here's my thoughts:

1. Take the vtkpython.dll and place it in python2.0/DLL's - I read somewhere
that the extension might need to be changed to '.pyd' - can anyone confirm
if this will work or not?
2. Copy the .lib files into Python20/libs, and the other DLLs into
3,4,5: same as 2,3,4 above.

Can anyone set me straight as to how I should really go about this?  The
documentation on all sides is a little sparse, and I'm not a hardcore
Windows programmer (yet).

Help! (Thanks!)

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