repost of questions

Randy Heiland heiland at
Thu Apr 13 06:29:04 EDT 2000

OK, I'll bite.  First of all, Python aside, have you successfully run your
crash-test using C++/VTK?  (sorry if I missed this in an earlier email).  If
that runs OK, but the equiv Python script core dumps, can you do a trace to see
where it's core dumping?  Can you share your script with us?  That might help
answer b).

Now for a).  First, I would *never* say VTK is not a suitable package for
<fill-in-vis-thing> -- especially to this list :).  However, if all you're
doing is ball&stick reps, and you're doing LOTS of them, and it needs to be
"fast", then maybe VTK isn't the way to go - since it polygonalizes sphere &
cylinders, as opposed to a "shaded" rasterized analytic sphere/cyl; rf. Rasmol.
 Although, with tristrips and a good hardware card, who knows?  Also, when you
say "molecular modeller", does that only mean doing ball&stick reps?  Usually
there's more to it than that -- 3D density fields, etc.etc. which gets you back
to what VTK does very well.


On Apr 12,  4:49pm, Maneesh Yadav wrote:
> Subject: repost of questions
> Hi all, forigve the insistance, but I didn't get any replies last time so
> I hope no minds me posting my two questions again (if I could just get a
> "Yup I can use huge data sets under python no prob", I would appreciate
> it):
> a) Is VTK a suitable package for a molecular modeller?
> I really like all the extras that come with VTK, and it seems fine to me.
> Does anyone think I am making a catagoreical mistake?
> b)Can it handle 30k vertex data sets (I know it won't be super fast as
> long as it doesn't crash)?
> After loading a 2k element poly vertex set, my app it me...or
> is it the python implimentation or something else perhaps?
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