data chunk

Peter Eric Johnson pjohnson at
Tue Apr 11 11:39:27 EDT 2000


I am new to the list so maybe this is an easy problem.  I am trying to
apply cutting planes to a specified chunk of data.  I am trying to
create a 3D drawbox that finishes with 6 cutting planes on each of the 6
sides of the cube.  I have tried using vtkExtractGeometry,
vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry, vtkClipPolyData, and vtkClipVolume to
extract the specified data from the entire dataset.  My main problem is
I am not sure if I am applying one of these functions wrong or if there
is a different function that I should use.  Any insight would be
appreciated.  Thanks.

	Peter E. Johnson			
Iowa State University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC)
  (formerly the Iowa Center for Emerging 
   Manufacturing Technology (ICEMT))
Howe Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011
Email: pjohnson at
Phone: (515) 294-4938
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