Sort points and attributes in an Unstructured Grid

Michael Peter michael.peter at
Wed Oct 27 12:15:45 EDT 1999

Hi Users

I am working on a konverter from Fluent to vtk. Now I have a Couple of
Informations, e.g Points, Cells, Scalers and Vectors.

My major Problem is, how to get a good graphical representation out of
an unstructured Grid. I tried a lot of filters, but mostly the problem
was, that my points a randomly distributed in space. There is no order.
Can I sort my points (and the related data as well). So that my
geometryFilter gives me a good result.

Or does anybody know a better Way to get a Wireframe of Polygon-based
representation out of randomly distributes Points in 3-D ???

Waiting, hoping for answer


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