Is there a method cross reference? (fwd)

Kerrie Holton Tainter tainter at
Tue Oct 12 12:00:28 EDT 1999

"Tom G. Smith" wrote:

> Thanks for the explanation of ListMethod.  I've now penciled
> "ListMethods, page 461" in the margins of the index to "The Visualization
> Toolkit."  Writing a good index is the hardest part of finishing any
> book, a discipline in its own right.
> I hope I'm not being a pest, but I still have a question about output.
> In Tcl, is there a way of directing the output of statements 2 and 3
> in the following code snippet to stdout?
> 1  vtkPolyVertex cells ;# Declare cells to be instance of PolyVertex.
> 2  cells ListMethods
> 3  cells Print
> The only way I can see the output of such statements is to invoke
> vtk with e.g. "vtk sample.tcl," press "u" in the rendered window and
> manually enter them on the interactor command line.  Then the output
> only shows in the interactor window.


you can start the vtk shell all by itself, then type "source sample.tcl"  You will

have access to interactive mode through the command line of the shell once
the tcl script has finished loading.  Then you can use the listmethods function,
and either copy the output from your xterm with highlight, cut and paste, or
you may even be able to redirect the output, because the tcl shell generally
csh commands.  I haven't tried redirect though, I usually cut and paste.


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