vtk2.4 problem under Linux??..

Miguel Angel Rodriguez Florido marf at dsc.ulpgc.es
Wed Nov 24 08:15:25 EST 1999

	Hi vtkusers,
	I am working with vtk2.2 and my applications go well, but now I have
compiled vtk2.4 for Linux, and I think that everything was well in
compiling process, in fact a simple example as Cone.tcl goes well.
	However now when I am going to use one of my applications which uses a
tkWidget as rendering window I have this error:

piolin.marf: disNei >Error in startup script: invalid command name
    while executing
"vtkTkRenderWidget .renWin -width 500 -height 500"
    (file "disnei-vis1.0.tcl" line 128)
[1]+  Exit 1                  /usr/local/vtk2.4/tcl/vtk

And if I run the vol.tcl (example at the distribution of vtk2.4
/vtk/graphics/examplesTcl/) I am getting tha same error.

I have seen that vtkRenderWidget.cxx, .h exists, but vtkTkRenderWidget.o
not, while I have compiled using --with-tkwidget option. In fact, my
makefile was created with:

	./configure --with-mesa --with-tcl --with-shared --with-tkwidget
--with-contrib --with-patented

and this was my configuration in vtk2.2. (I didn't have this error).

So I think that this error is due to there not exists
vtkTkRenderWidget.o, but my question is:

why don't I have vtkRenderWidget.o??  Have I compiled in a bad way??? Do
I need another option more??.

Thanks in advance for your help and good luck.


	   	       Miguel Angel Rodriguez Florido               
               ETSI Telecomunicacion - Campus de Tafira - ULPGC     
         email: marf at dsc.ulpgc.es - Tf:928 452980 - Fax:928 451243   
		       Gran Canaria - Canary Islands

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