vtkPolyDataReader - multiple components?

Matt Clarkson m.clarkson at umds.ac.uk
Thu Nov 4 13:03:28 EST 1999

	I hope I am not missing something really obvious.

what is the best way to read and write a vtkPolyDataSet
with multiple component scalar values for each point.
These values will be of any float value rather than 0-1 or
0-255 (unsigned char).
I know that vtkScalars can have up to 4 components,
ie. designed for handling colour scalars.
Do these have to be written as `color scalars'
I vaguely remember something about the scalar representation
being modified around version 2.1-2.3 ??   Are the
file readers and writers up to date?

Can anyone enlighten me



Computational Imaging Science Group                
Radiological Sciences,                                  
Guy's Hospital                           
London Bridge                       
Tel: 0171 955 2380       
Fax: 0171 955 4532  
E-mail: m.clarkson at umds.ac.uk         
WWW: http://carmen.umds.ac.uk/m.clarkson

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