Proposal for minor modifications

M.Schrijver at M.Schrijver at
Mon Jun 28 05:44:19 EDT 1999

Hello all,

I've build the vtk libraries multiple times now (using MS VC++ 6.0), and
I find myself changing the same files over and over again in order to
complie it all. If I don't change those files, I cannot build. So, maybe
some of you also noticed them, and they can be changed in the code. If
not, please let me know what I did wrong, and how I can change the
settings in order to circumvent these problems ....

1)  imaging/vtkAxisActor2D.cxx (line 472)
explicitly cast both arguments to pow() to 'float'

2) imaging/vtkImageMathematics.cxx (line 285)
explicitly cast both arguments to atan2() to 'double'

3) contrib/vtkSuperquadric.cxx (line 123 - 132)
explicitly cast both arguments to pow() to 'double'

4) contrib/vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter.cxx (line 142)
put the definition of the 'struct SurfacePoint' outside of the function

5) contrib/vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter.cxx (line 382)
explicitly cast both arguments to pow() to 'double'

6) vtkbin/vtktcl/makefile
duplicate the macro definition of CPP_PROJ to something like
CPP_PROJ_noopt, and delete the /O2 switch from that second version. Then
change the rule for $(OUTDIR)\vtktcl.obj to use this second (non
optimizing) compiler switches. This because the compiler complains that
the function in vtktcl.cxx is too large to be optimized.

Besides these modifications necessary to compile, I also change some
other things to make life a bit easier:

7) imaging/vtkImageReader.h and .cxx
change the argument type of the member function 'SetFileName()',
'SetFilePrefix()' and 'SetFilePattern()' from 'char*' to 'const char*'
I think this is more consistent, and allows you to pass const character
arrays as filenames. It surprises me that it isn't declared const anyway

8) In all makefiles, put '@' signs in front of the $(CPP), $(CPP_PARSE),
$(LINK32), etc. commands.
This will give much less output on your screen when compiling.

I hope some of these modifications are recognized, and incorperated in
one of the next releases.

Greetings, Marc

ir. Marc Schrijver
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (S&S NT)
University of Twente
The Netherlands
E-mail: m.schrijver at

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