compiling vtk with java

Miguel Angel Martin Fernandez vtk at
Tue Jun 15 05:25:06 EDT 1999

Hi, I'm trying to compile VTK v2.2 with java and I cannot do it. I'm usin
jdk1.1.3 and Linux Red Hat 6. The error output from the compiler is:

/usr/local/jdk1.1.3/bin/javac -d /disco2/software/javalib
../java/vtk/ Superclass vtk.vtkProp2D of class
vtk.vtkActor2D not found.
public class vtkActor2D extends vtkProp2D

1 error
make[1]: *** [../java/vtk/vtkActor2D.class] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/disco2/software/vtk/common'
make: *** [build_common] Error 2

I have the JDK installed in /usr/local/jdk1.1.3 and vtk in

I've trying to compile the classes but I always have some errors:it never
finds the proper class.

The entries for java in the user.make file are


Maybe the problem is the CLASSPATH variable, but I think it's not.

	Santiago Aja Fernandez
	Escuela Tecnica Superior 
        de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion

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