Use of Tcl 8.1 and/or Tcl extentions such as blt or itcl with vtk

Sebastien Barre Sebastien.Barre at
Fri Jun 11 06:36:03 EDT 1999

At 09:53 11/06/1999 +0100, Hugo Korwaser wrote:

>Also I was wondering whether anyone had experience of using tcl/tk
>extensions such as blt, itcl or plus  with vtk?

I'm using Itcl with VTK. No problems with Windows, you might run itcl.exe
and VTK will be loaded on the fly as a DLL on the fly the catch function.
Much more problematic with Unix, as you have to run the 'vtk' program.
Basically, you will have to recompile this 'vtk' (see tcl/tkinit.c)
front-end by including all necessary entry point for Itcl. I have done it a
long it ago, I'll have to write a page on that topic and maybe a patch that
might trigger itcl support in 'configure' (I'll do that with 2.3 when I get

Sebastien Barre        

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