sphere-bench results database update

Robert Riviere Robert.Riviere at sophia.inria.fr
Fri Jul 30 10:04:46 EDT 1999

Hello vtkworld,

back from some holidays, I've just updated the sphere-bench results 

With results from :

- Dennis Sessanna about SGI Visual Workstation 320 and 540 model.
  Clearly the new drivers are really faster, the VW is really hot.
  The fastest when you apply stripping or texture.

- James Miller for "GE VTK Quality stations" for 2.4 vtk : 
  . Permedia3 - let's hope that the driver will be improved
  . hp - seems that textures aren't hardware accelerated :-)
  . sgi onyx - still good but becoming old...
        octanes - now I know definitevely that I won't buy the 
                  texture option on our, since we've got a
                  new Elite3D (see below)
  . suns - the Elite 3D is really hot, too.
           about the Creator 3D, Sebastien Barre said :
           >    1) 256x256 :  281.2 kpolys/s : [stripper]
           >    4) 256x256 :  144.6 kpolys/s : []
           > Strange, my own UltraSparc Creator 3D was a lot faster.
    *** Hey, perhaps there is a slowdown under vtk2.4 ? ***

- myself on :
  . Compaq/Dec DXP1000 - not that bad, but probably one the worst
                         performance/price ratio (the 4D51 card is awfully
  . Elite 3D again - really fast for flat shading. Strangely 
                     stripping does nothing for performance.
                     Perhaps Sun OpenGL doesn't really implement stripping ?

We now have more than 60 platforms in the database, from 30 
contributors. Thanks as usual to them !

Of course, it's still at

Robert Riviere (Robert.Riviere at sophia.inria.fr)	    Tel: .4-92-38-7906
CERMICS	/ INRIA					    Fax: .4-92-38-7740
BP 93                              06902	Sophia Antipolis Cedex
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