Problems with Diamond-card

rvega at rvega at
Thu Jul 29 11:18:07 EDT 1999

Vamsidhar Juvvigunta <vamsidha at> on 07/28/99 09:50:06 PM
To: jhgong at
cc: vtkusers at (bcc: Richard Vega/arl)
Subject: Re: Problems with Diamond-card

This is my experience...

I have two NT machines, one at work and one at home.  One computer has a 
Diamond Viper 550 and the other, 
which I just received this Monday has a Viper 770(32M).  Actors rotated with 
the 550 would black-out at certain 
orientations and lighting was inconsistent. Since I'm new to vtk (and 3-D), I 
thought this to be normal performance.  
Along came the machine with the 770, and for the first time I witnessed true 
LightFollowCamera(1) characteristics
and glowing performance.

Why the difference in performance?  Look to the DRIVER.  The 550 was using a 
Diamond driver while the new 
computer was loaded with an NVidia driver.  I called Diamond to learn that 
their driver is a modified version
of the NVidia driver and that "some machines don't like the Diamond driver".   
I went to the NVidia website, 
downloaded the Riva TNT/TNT2 driver, installed to the 550,  and now I see the 
light...all the time!  
Visit NVidia.Com.

R Vega
US Army Research Laboratory

> Please test  the MFC framework  SAMPLE of  VTK 2.3.
> There are some problems of the MFC framework UGVIEW2 for some graphics cards.

 I don't think there is any problem with the supplied sample code. The
problem is more in the display drivers and the so-called OpenGL ICDs
supplied by some vendors. My program refuses to work with the viper7**, I
think TNT2 based and the TNT based cards but works wonderfully with an
ancient permedia-2 card. Test out some cards and stick with a professional
opengl card if you can, you can get a permedia-2 for < 50$ these days. 


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