Memory leaks in vtkWin32TextMapper::GetSize(vtkViewport* viewport, int *size)

Hugues Wisniewski h_wski at
Tue Jul 20 17:19:47 EDT 1999

Hello !

After a few test with Purify on my project, it seems that VTK is loosing memory when calling
vtkWin32TextMapper::GetSize, at line 130 in vtkWin32TextMapper.cxx, here's the code

  this->Font = CreateFontIndirect(&fontStruct);
  HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, this->Font);

hOldFont is never used to restore the previous font in the device context after use of this->Font,
so it leads to a memory leak. Is it OK or do I have to look further more in my code to solve this
leak trouble ?
thanks a lot

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